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Geopolitical Assessments
Pakistan’s fence-sitting on Ukraine is being noticed internationally,   The Strategist, (ASPI), 11 March 2022.
Pakistan after the fall of Imran Khan, The Strategist, (ASPI), 11 April 2022.
India to profit from the war in Ukraine and the Russia-China Joint Statement,  CSDS Policy Brief, 15/2022, (VUB’s Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy), 23 June 2022.
Pakistan: 75 Years of Independence — At Best a Mixed Report Card,   Australian Outlook, 17 August 2022.
Afghanistan: China’s Challenging Relationship with the Taliban,   Australian Outlook, 15 September 2022.
Of FATF and Pak-U.S. Relations, Pakistan Politico, 26 October 2022.
Bridging the Afghanistan gap in Pakistan–US relations, East Asia Forum, 11 November 2022.
2023: Where is Pakistan Heading? - In Dire Straits, 9DASHLINE, 13 January 2023.
Pakistan, Terror, and Politics: The 30 January Peshawar Terrorist Attack,   Australian Outlook, 7 February 2023.
India-Australia Ties: China Scores Big but No Level-Playing Field With Ukraine, 
The Quint, 9 March 2023.
New Diplomacy in South Asia: A Grand Plan for Resolving Kashmir, Seton Hall Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, Volume XXIII, Number 1, Spring/Summer 2022, pp 28-41

Pakistan pays high price for China corridor, 360info.org, 10 July 2023
The 2023 Hamas-Israel War, Command Eleven, Briefing Papers, 30 October 2023.
Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations: Going from Bad to Much Worse, 
9Dashline, 21 November 2023.
Fraudulent elections ensure the army’s status quo, 360info.org, 12 February 2024.
Pakistan: More instability coming down the road, 
The Strategist, (ASPI), 15 February 2024
Recognising Palestine: Right Call, Wrong Time, Australian Outlook, 29 May 2024.